Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dreams Do Come True - Free Boards, Photo Shoots and Burritos

My friend Lucas Foster, 14, had his dreams come true last week when Iron Cross picked him up as a team rider. While hanging out at Cardiff doing his thing the guys at Iron Cross noticed him for his style and attitude and offered him a spot on the team. With that spot comes the dream, free boards, photo shoots and burritos.  

Apparently they are making him a board as I write. In the mean time, here he is out at Cardiff riding their 10'2" Mother Load. Lucas' dad Aaron is a long time friend and is happily living his life through Lucas and his brother Logan. The best thing about Aaron is that he has no ego. As long as he gets to tag along on the surf trips and hang out in the factory he is a happy camper. As a parent who grew up surfing this is like a second chance.  

My hat goes off to Iron Cross for picking a solid kid. I've known Lucas since he was 1 and couldn't be happier for him.  Iron Cross was the brand of the Longboard Grotto, a Leucadia staple for years. I heard that the brand is under new ownership.  I'm glad it isn't dead. I just hope they bring back Dennis Murphy to shape a few boards as well for old time sake.
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