Thursday, June 17, 2010

1975 Skip Frye 5'8" Fish

My friend Rick Scott is a long time knee boarder. He has been at it since the 70's. He and his brother collectively own an amazing collection of boards. We featured them here a while back. All fish and many vintage from when they were kids.

This beauty has been kept up in his brothers garage in Oregon for last couple of decades. Rick took it on to have it refurbished by Joe Roper.

The board is amazing with the penciled in logo and signature and the disappearing stringer. It's a beauty. We are hoping to get to ride her! Enjoy.

Gun Metal Grape Hand Plane

My buddy Scott Anderson gets serious dad points. He ran into us at Fiesta Del Sol with his son and started checking out the hand planes. I hadn't seen his son since he was a little guy so I asked what all surf dads ask... "are you surfing yet?" His response was that he was into BMX. My guess is that like most kids he doesn't want to be TOO much like the old man. Understandable for sure.

Well, turns out that he is into body surfing. So for the next three days straight Scott gets an ear full of how cool the hand planes are.  Now Scott being a big kid at heart couldn't resist. He grew up body surfing with McDonald's trays with the boys on Oahu. So he called us up and had us save one for  his son's birthday that week.

Now my hat comes off to you Scott because you are a genius. Not only did you hook him up with a great gift, you figured out the gateway board for him to be riding a fish one day. Supper smart. He'll be riding that bike still for sure, but now it will be to get him to the beach. I love it. Enjoy.

More Fins - Bereket 6 and Alia 4

 I love the kids art! Keep it coming.
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