Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Tak Board

This is cool. Seitaku "Tak" Aoyama of  Studio Aiuto sent over some shots of his amazing new graphic he did for his board. The board was a collaboration between Tak and local shaper Seth Cutter. 

This design is crazy. Tak has a really unique and super detailed style. I really like it. You get lost in it. (If you remember we featured him for his fin art.) You have to see this design up close. It tells a story. Tak and his lovely wife Jamie will be displaying art at the Leucadia Art Walk this Sunday. Check them out. They will be set up on the north side of the Local Frame Shop. 

Photos by Tak and Jamie Aoyama

Lauren's Tees

Lauren has been at it again. Armed with some scissors, fabric and an army of sewing machines she has been creating some really cool tees for women, guys and kids. Made of scrap fabric these tees are hand made and really cool. If you want one for yourself or your kid's first day at school contact her here for pricing and available sizes.
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