Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fatherhood Is Great

A couple of weeks ago I took Binki II in for some repairs to the Ding King. Binki II was a board made by John Turberville a few years back. John and I go way back and he used to live on Coop when I first lived on Jupiter. He had been shaping me boards since 97'. Now he is retired. I wanted him to make a dupe of Binki and he did but he made this board as well for himself. When I rode it I had to have it so he swapped this one for the one he made for me.  I have been trading off between Binki I and Binki II for a about 4 years now.  I love them both.

I haven't ridden her in months and was itching to get her fixed up so I could take her out. On the day I took it in my daughter and copilot came with and she got really excited about seeing the place.  She loves boards and likes to look around surf shops at them. She was very interested in what they were going to do to my board as she sees it in the garage and even asks to wax it with me. When we dropped off the board she made me promise that I take her with me to pick it up.  

A week passed and the board was ready. When I got the call I was really excited. Then I remembered my promise to wait for her to pick it up.  As a couple weeks went by our schedules never made it possible for us both to be together to get the board, until today. 

So, after I took her to dance class we had a date for Ding King and went over to pick up the board. She was just as excited as I was and my sister from Japan was even there to document it. Look at the first shot of us out front. She is holding the board with me.  A proud moment for her and for me. Fatherhood is great. 

1 comment:

  1. Ed, you are a wonderful father. They say a picture speaks 1000 words. I think this blog and story speaks like a trillion words. You can see just how much she cares for you and the sport you love. Hopefully she will soon be surfing beside you. You even take her to dance class...What a great Dad.


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