Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thank YOU!

Thank you to all who look at the site! Those who admit it and those who don't all have a spacial place in my heart. You are the reason I spend my free time thinking of ways to keep you inspired. The site has been around for just about a year now and it has been so much fun. I hope you have half as much fun with it as I do.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving here are a few things I'm grateful for.

Steve Lis
Great Family, Friends & Neighbors
People who share wax
Glassy days with two people out
Friendly people in the water
Buddies who witness and later vouch for your tube ride
Emails with surf photos attached
North West Swells
Rights from Cactus to Roundhouse
Fall days when the kids are back in school, the water is warm and the surf is good
The $6.95 Special
Beacons sunsets
Daddy daycare days at the beach
The GV stairs
Biking to the Beach

I can go on and on. Feel free to add your own in the comments.


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