Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cardiff Road Trip

Here is the story that came with these great shots...


My son and his friend wanted to go surfing down at Cardiff the other day. The surf was super small and pretty much grom perfect! I thought hey, the sun is out and they will have a blast! Let's go! They paddled out and caught a few waves trying really hard to get tubed! I'm talking with more stoke and enthusiasm then I have seen in a long time. Anyway, I'm standing there trying to get a photo of them looking just a little bit cooler than a guy with a metal detector with my camera gear in my hand... :) Then I kept noticing a little bit of backlighting on the waves just north of me at the main peak. A little set rolled in and these guys did their magic and bang just like that I had a few good ones to take home. Pretty cool and now they are up on Surfline!

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