Thursday, November 15, 2012

DEEP Magazine Instagram Photo Contest!!

DEEP Surf Mag Instagram Contest!
DEEP Surf Magazine (@deepsurfmag) is hosting their first Instagram contest beginning on Monday, November 12th, 2012 through Monday, December 3rd, 2012. There will be three categories, "Best Surf Photo," "Best Handplane Photo," and "Best Surf Lifestyle Photo."All photos must include the required tags and hastags to qualify for prizes and all photos will be judged by DEEP Surf Magazine and our Special Guest Judge, professional surf photographer Chris Burkard (follow him @chrisburkard).
Each category will be stacked with prizes.

"Best Surf Photo," winner will get a WetSand Surf Shop gift certificate for $25 and a CLIF Bar package (a $100 value). To qualify you must tag @deepsurfmag @wetsandsurf @clifbarcompany and hastag #deepsurfmag.The photo must be include surfing action. The winner will be announced on December 10th on our website and their photo will be printed in our January/February 2013 magazine along with their handle.

"Best Handplane Photo," winner will get a custom handplane from Enjoy Handplanes and a custom bag to carry it in. To qualify you must tag @deepsurfmag and @enjoyhandplanes and hashtag #deepsurfmag. The photo must be of someone using a handplane in the water, or using a handplane in general. The winner will be announced on December 10th on our website and their photo will be printed in our January/February 2013 magazine along with their handle.

"Best Surf Lifestyle Photo," winner will get a $50 gift certificate to Jedidah Clothing's website ( and swimsuit from Odina Surf (the Coral Connection top and bottom, check it out at The "Surf Lifestyle" category can include lineups, on a bike, out of the water, in a swimsuit, shaping, etc. (Basically not surfing). To qualify you must tag @deepsurfmag @jedidahclothing @odinasurf and hashtag #deepsurfmag. The winner will be announced on December 10th on our website and their photo will be printed in our January/February 2013 magazine along with their handle.

This is all for fun and we hope to see some amazing photos from all you Instagrammers!
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