Monday, January 5, 2009

Another Road Trip to Cardiff

Here are two shots sent in by David Gray. He has been getting these unreal shots at dusk with the back lit waves. I love these. I hope you do as well. Below is what came with the email.

Well, finally after a month of absolutely NO surf whatsoever we get our first ray of hope in the form of 3' - 4' clean little waves! Nice! I think the curse Aaron brought down on us all due to his wetsuit covetousness issues has finally been lifted! (see lucasurfsblog for details of how he started all of this mess!) He even had to get a suit with a key holder... absolutely the straw that broke the camel's back for the entire last 30 days. All kidding around aside, the surf was pretty fun last night and I scored a few good shots. Enjoy. David

Katie Keel Fin

Here is the youngest artist we've had yet. This is from my niece Katie who is almost 2 years old. Her fin just puts a smile on my face. Those of you with kids remember the innocence of drawings by a toddler. The exploration of the paper with her favorite colored crayons is apparent. Good job Katie!
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