Here is a nice, all be it blurry, sequence of 12 year old Logan Foster. Erik has been coaching him and he is really taking off. The photos are from his dad Aaron. Any of you who know Aaron know that these shots are a miracle. We have many stories of how David and I have taken amazing photos or video of Aaron and, although he means well, does not return the favor. (I have a video of nothing but ants and sand as he got the on off button reversed on a decent shoulder high day.) I proudly put this up as an acknowledgement of how far Aaron has come.
I've known Logan since he was born. Our families were tied together and bonded through the love of Grandview. We spent many swells sharing waves. Logan was my buddy and would come over to my house a lot with his brother Lucas. As they grew up Aaron and I would talk about how amazing it will be when they surf.
After seeing these photos I flashed back to one day when Logan came over to my house to give me a "Presentation". He had come well prepared for a 7 year old, complete with drawings and a pie chart. (Aaron was a sales rep and was famous for his pie charts.) When he came over he started to pitch me on how he wanted a skate park in his back yard. He told me that if I built one for him he would give me a percentage of his first million when he turned pro. Unfortunately Logan was barking up the wrong tree. He had no idea my skills with a hammer were meager at best, so I congratulated him on a fine presentation and sent him on his way. Now, after seeing these photos... I should have done it.