Friday, January 30, 2009

One Fish, Two Fish, Three Fish, Lis Fish

Here is a quiver of fish from our friend Rick Scott. He is a local knee boarder and has been riding and collecting fish for many years. The board on the left is a 5'5" original Steve Lis. Rick just had her fixed up and it is ready to ride again.  Look for future posts of her in the water. Also we haven't seen it yet but a member of his family who lives in Oregon has an early period Skip Frye fish in his garage.  We are hoping to get confirmation. We'll keep you posted.

The Punk Rock Nightmare Fin by Chris “The Avocado Godfather” McOmber

Here is a fin by Chris McOmber titled "The Punk Rock Nightmare Fin". Chris is 38 and is still the biggest kid at heart. He surfs every day he can, and rides every wave like a skate park. Here is to you Chris, Avo's wouldn't be the same without you.
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