Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Grain Update - Bottom is Glassed

Today was a grind. We had to get everything cleaned up from the lap so that the bottom could be glassed.

Lots of scrapping, sanding...

and cleaning.

Next was setting up the laminates. It was a little tricky but Kipp knew what he was doing so they went on great. 

This time I didn't feel as nervous but you can see in my eyes I'm getting psyched up.

We didn't have a shooter there with us for the resin work so all images are in my brain. It went really good. The resin set off really quick though which was a challenge. Other then that it looks really good.

The TLP logo looks cool.

This time around cutting the lap went much quicker and without mistakes.
Live and learn.

Tomorrow we do the hot coat.

It is almost done!!! More to do but having it glassed feels like a huge accomplishment.

The next time you pick up your board give a silent thank you to the glasser who did your board. I have no idea how they make any money doing this. It takes a lot of skill and a lot of time to glass a board. They have earned my respect.
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