Dennis Murphy was just stoked to be there. He had no idea at this point he was the winner but was feeling the energy of it all.
Hans Enyedi really deserved the best home built. His boards were really amazing and were commented on all day.
Here is the crew. It was a who's who of new and old school.
Hummm. Fish.
More of the crew. Shout out to Kipp Denslow with the chocolate, white and lime green fish held up in the back. We did a post on him a while back and the board he brought was really cool.
Cool fish board and fish painting. From what I understand a husband and wife team.
Today was a great day. The AB3 Fish Fry went off great and two of my friends won. Dennis Murphy won Best of Show for his Balsa and Reclaimed Redwood 5'10" Quad Fish and an automatic spot in the shape off event at the next Sacred Craft show. His Balsa fish is amazing and it won despite the fact that it wasn't even finished! He hot coated it last night so he could show it today. He and his right hand man Dan Lewis were super stoked on the win. Great job guys. See the post we did on it earlier.
My friend Hans Enyedi won Best Home Board for his 6'1" Casper. See the post we did on it a few weeks ago. Beautiful board and some amazing work for being shaped and glassed in a shed in the back yard. Hans was definitely one of the most stoked guys there. He has been shaping his own boards for 30 years now and got the chance to talk shop today with legends. A day he certainly won't forget.
Thanks to all who put on the event and Ice9 for the foam! Keep an eye on Maggie's Sea Layer blog for photos, the AB3 site for official updates and the Surfy Surfy site for, well, entertainment and boards to drool over.