Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dugan's Memorial

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Dugan's memorial went off beautifully today. I was honored to be there to witness it. You could feel how much love there is for a man who touched so many lives. This past week has been a blur but now that the memorial is over I can't really believe that he is gone. I really expect to see him out again. I guess that is why we have memories. Any time I want to see him, I can.

While at the memorial I got chills while watching the paddle out. It was hot, the surf was going off and the one guy who would have been drooling at this day wasn't there. Or was he? When the circle was formed and everyone had their hands together, a nice set rolled through. I could feel the energy of the moment and I could feel Dugan.

While I wasn't able to participate in the paddle I did get to spend that time taking in the energy and spending a very special moment with my daughter who is 3. As I looked at her, I thought about what type of guy I am and what sort of example I can be for her and my fellow surfers. I thought of Dugan and what he has done and felt that I had a good role model. I thank you for that, Dugan. Thank you for your lessons in life and thank you for your friendship to so many people.

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