"Panic at the Disco" 96" x 72" mixed media on panel

"Tiny Little Sparks" 56" x 48"

Mommy and Son time at Grandview

Allie enjoying some me time in Indo

Rich on daddy duty. You can tell a cool dad when mom is in the water and dad's on the beach with the kids.
From what I have discovered through this site is that there is no shortage of talented people in Leucadia. Everyone I know has something they do that blows me away.
Allie is one of those people. I first met her and her husband Rich in the line up. They have been surfing the same spot for years and I would watch them both surf as they had the place dialed.
The thing that impressed me most about Allie was the fact that she was still surfing until two weeks before she gave birth to their son Atticus. As a dad myself I remember feeling protective of her and watching to make sure she was Ok on the inside after a wave. Apparently Dugan was the same way and would let her have any wave she wanted.
Knowing people from the water you tend to know many important things about them, like, will they make the take off on the set waves, when sharing a peak do they tend to go right or left and do they get caught behind the outside section or do they always make it through to the inside.
Those things are important for sure. It's amazing that with all the people you surf with I bet you have the answers to those question for each and everyone of them.
Now that I have been doing this site I get the joy of finding out more about people I know from the water. For Allie it was only yesterday that I discovered the talent she has when she sent me a link to her site. I was really stoked to see how great her work is.
I encourage you to look at her work. She has a lot of really great pieces. www.allisonrenshaw.com
If you want to see her work in person she has a number for shows coming up as well. Check out her site as they are listed. Or if you dig her work, don't hesitate to give a ring.