Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sky Held Sun

I swear you seriously can not go anywhere without running into amazingly talented people in Leucadia.

A few weeks ago I was at Rodney's house and ran into his neighbor John Bennet. John is a long time Leucadia local and standing memember of the White Fence crew. I'd never met John before so we chatted and he mentioned he was a musician. Turns out he plays with my friend Jim Volkert,  who I have featured before for his photography. Long story short he gave me a CD and I have been listening ever since.

Check out my favorite song Be Free and go to their website for some more folk goodness. John and Jim play all the time locally. They are staples at La Pappagallo. I'll get some more details of when they play.

Great work John and Jim. I love your music and thanks again for the CD. It's getting some really good use!

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