Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grain Update - Fin Boxes are Glued In

Kipp has a really cool setup in his garage. A nice little shaping/glassing bay and work bench. Here's a shot of his bench with a home made D Fin project he has been working on.

The Grain all ready for work.

Since this was the first fin boxes I've ever routed I made a mistake and went a bit too deep on one side. We fixed that by adding some glass to left the box.

Kipp was key to this whole process. I did what he said and followed his lead. Here he is putting in some glass.

Since the holes were hand cut there was some work to do getting the edges shaved so that they weren't too tight. Here I am razor blading the hole just a bit more to open it up.

First fin is in and setting. We used a set of shorter based fins to set the box and check the kant.

A little plug for LokBox. These box systems are pretty cool. Once we got the hang of it we were able to do the other side much quicker.

Kipp pulling the tape on the final box.

So far so good. We checked everything with an angle and it was all good.

Kipps respirator. We had great ventilation and little resin so it wasn't at all needed. I liked it though  because of all the resin tent on it. 

I love the way glass folds when it is laid down.

Kipp is quite the innovator. He had some drop down lights that he installed for us.
After we got the boxes glued in we sanded everything and got her ready for the glass.

Today was quite the lesson for me in do it yourself fin box installation. Since Kipp and I both had our daughters with us it made for a fun day of daddy daycare. The girls were great. They would come in when the resin work was done, ask questions and the run off and go about their play time. In fact that was what made it that much more special. It's one thing to have a project and another to have your daughters watch, ask questions and be a part of the process.  Who knows, maybe someday they will build their own boards? 
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