Sunday, May 3, 2009

10 Little Piggies Hanging Out At Cardiff

It is funny, with all the surf images we see we get sort of jaded. I flip through magazines or online and just think to myself... NEXT. 

It even took me a while to fully appreciate this shot. I looked at it, thought it was cool and then dismissed it as yet another nose ride.  

Then I sat back, stared at it and realized... that guy has some serious talent. I can count on one closed fist the number of times I've ever been able to pull that off.  

Then I stared at it a little more and was even more impressed by the fact that it's a great shot. I love how it has this mood to it and he just looks suspended in the moment of the wave and his thoughts. Again, I can count on a closed fist the number of times I shot a photo like that!

At this point I was in a moment of clarity and fully appreciated the value of the the talent in our water and on land.  It was a humbling and refreshing experience.  

Thanks to the unknown talent and of the shot of him sent in by David for making me stop and appreciate for a change.
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