Thank you to everyone who participated in the Beacons beach clean up yesterday. Yet again it was a success. A total of 58 people showed up to clean and were able to pull 42 pounds of trash and 5 pounds of recycling off the beach. (That's a lot of Styrofoam, cigarette butts and water bottle caps!)
One of the great things I saw was that families showed up in force and took the opportunity to teach their kids about recycling, keeping their beaches clean and working together. A lesson that will help insure our beaches stay clean.
If you happen to notice today how sparkly clean Beacons is this morning give a special thanks to our friends Jan and Bob Rogers for all the hard work they put into organizing these clean ups. They have been at this for 12 years and started with a total of 7 people showing up at their first event. (That includes them!) They model for all of us how to put the community first even when the surf is good! (Bob, you get points my friend!)
Also, these events are a couple times a year and yet our beaches are still some of the cleanest in the county. Why? Because we have a lot of dedicated locals who care and pick up trash that is not their own every single day of the week as they come back from surfing and walking. These individuals are mostly responsible for the regular maintenance of our beaches and it shows. Good work to all, I thank you for your hard work.
See you at the next event.