Sunday, August 8, 2010


Kipp made this one as an experiment in color and texture. It looks like a piece of candy. There is a lot going on but I have to admit it turned out really cool.

The process of making these handplanes takes awhile and is a labor of love. Each board we make is like a little friend to us. The process is interesting. You start off with a little white ghost and then when you add color it becomes alive, it takes on a personality of it's own that makes you want to see it take life into it's final form.

This little guy grew on us, as it had such a unique personality. I certainly didn't want to see it go, but it didn't stick around long. It was for sale for a day and it got snatched up by my friends and local water couple Rich and Allie. It made me feel better though that it was still in the neighborhood. Go have fun little candy board. You have good owners now and will spend many days slotted in barrels.
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