Monday, June 22, 2009

Bahne/Fins Unlimited Tour

The door to the wonderful world of Fins Unlimited.

Bob Bahne with the finished product. A wood fin made from a fin block Cowboy Dan made for Chris Miller.

More wood fins hanging out.

Cool fin chart that was on the wall.

A couple of old boards they had hanging around. Hey man, you gonna ride that?

From the archives, an original Bahne fiberglass skateboard. They used to make 1000 a day out of this shop.

Bob was a great tour guide. He had lots of stories.

This was cool. It was one of the original posters of the urethane wheels.

Last week I went over to Fins Unlimited with Chris Miller to pick up a few fins he had made from Cowboy Dan's wood blocks. They turned out beautifully. While we were there Bob Bahne was kind enough to take time out to show us around. If you haven't already figured out from this site, I like fins. This was heaven to me.

Not only were there alot of fins but the history of that place is unreal. I've been getting custom fins made there for years. When I used to ride thrusters I got turned on to get sets made there of fiberglass fins to replace my plastic ones. It was the best move I ever made. You get so much more drive out of them. When I switched over to twin keels, the first thing I did was get a custom set made that pushed the pivot point of the fin forward, which made the fin flex like a rutter. I did a post a while back and they are still one of my favorite fins.

Even though I would get my fins there this was the first time I got to take a look around and talk shop with Bob. It was really a highlight. He promised to let me back in the place and take some more shots. I can't wait to go back and learn more about the fin making process. Thanks Bob for the time and the stories! If you need some fins don't hesitate to go over, talk shop, and order some custom fins. The quality is second to none and stories from Bob are priceless.
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