Saturday, July 10, 2010

Handplane Love'n

(Click for larger image)

Here's what some broken boards and a little love looks like. These two are for sale at Surfy Surfy. Hurry though as they aren't lasting long. If you want a custom let us know as well and we'll gladly make you one.

Fresh rescued boards are being made into these fun little bundles of resin tint goodness every week so don't be shy, contact us , and we'll send you over pics to see if you'd like to take one home to meet your wife (or husband) and kids. Believe me they'll be stoked.

Don't forget to save us those broken boards AND your old tea bag wetsuits. We need those as well.

Thanks to everyone who has supported this project. We can't tell you how stoked we are to meet everyone and to do something this fun with trash! It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.


Thanks again to GoPro for all their support! If you want a GoPro version of our handplanes just let us know.
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