Thursday, June 4, 2009

Paul's New Kies 7'2" Geezer Whale

My friend Paul sent me this email.  I had to laugh at his photo with the broom. He fell in love with this board and has been catching A LOT of waves. Good for you Paul!

Ed, This is my new geezer board.Years ago I figured if I could not ride a high performance board I would hang up my wet suit. I have since determined that not being in the water is not an option. Old age, compounded by 25yrs. of baseball have taken a toll to the point where I could not affectively get to my feet on the boards of my preference.Hence the geezer-whale. It's 7'2" and allows me the extra 2 seconds needed to hobble to my feet. I suppose every surfer that lives long enough will endure a certain amount of frustration that phisical limitations bring,however I'm stoked with this move.This board rides well, however the turns require alot more muscle....................pauly t. a.s.l. por vida 
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