Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Blog In Town - Collectic Life

There is a new blog in town.  Leucadia local, free surfer, and self proclaimed webhead nerd squat Chris Del Moro is on the scene with his own flavor of blog called the Collectic Life. Only up for a month now it quite entertaining, covering his travels, misc thoughts and some really cool how to board art.  We've added it to our blog list and look forward to seeing future posts. Enjoy.

Miss Anne's New Ride - 5'9" Roy Sanchez Quad

Miss Anne with fresh boardage.

Anne is know for her home made and funky laminates. This board is no different. Her and Kirk love garden gnomes so she put him on the task of making this gnome riding a rabbit.

Sporting the TLP logo!

Another classic laminate.

Anne does water testing for a living. Here is the hard hat she wears at work.

You can tell that Daisy is just as excited as Anne.

Miss Anne called all excited today about her new board. Erik hooked her up with his friend Roy Sanchez of O'Side. Roy used to shape for Rusty and is on his own with his current label that is self titled. This board is a 5'9" double wing speed dialer quad. It felt really nice to hold. I look forward to trying it out.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Share Day - Video Stills By Mick Waters

Any of you who have kids in preschool know about share day.  That wondrous day where your child gets to bring something they love to school to show their friends. It is a great day. The kids love it and it teaches them to show others what it is they do or hold dear to their hearts.

Today was share day here at the project.  I got an email this morning from Mick over at Little House of a bunch of stills he made from the footage he has been gathering for his new film. Apparently the surf has been really good lately in AU and Mick has been taking advantage of it. It's probably not hard but see if you can guess who these shots are of. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Call for Entries- Fish Bowl

Alia doing the old light table trick.

Me having fun with the best medium in town. 64 pack of Crayola Crayons for $3.95.

Alia did it again.  She inspired me and hopefully you to do another coloring project.  We got her a new set of crayons today and had to put them to use.  I started to draw a fish bowl and then Alia saw it and wanted to do her own.  She was into it and  I was into it. We had a blast.  So parents and big kids... Rodney, Mary you know who you are, download the template here and send them in.  

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Don't Forget--Beacons Beach Clean Up This Saturday w/ Special Guest Rodney "Rodrigo" McCoubrey

All trash (treasure) found on the beach by Rodrigo.

Amazing how the above turns into the below.

This Saturday from 9am to 12noon the annual Beacon's Beach Clean up is going on. 

Dad's and Mom's bring your kids as award winning Environmental Artist Rondey "Rodrigo" McCoubrey will be there educating everyone about how to create art from found objects. After seeing his work, I'm sure you asked yourself, How does he do that? Well stick around and find out. He'll be making art out of the trash from the clean up.  How great is that?  Why stick it in the land fill if you can stick it on your wall?

So as you bring your trash up, hand it over to Rodrigo as he will be sifting through it, educating, and creating a unique fish just for the event.  Stick around at the end to see how the final piece turns out.  

If you want to own an original check out Rodrigo's site for available works.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Talented Leucadia Surf Mama - Allie Renshaw

"Panic at the Disco"  96" x 72" mixed media on panel  

"Tiny Little Sparks"  56" x 48"  

Mommy and Son time at Grandview

Allie enjoying some me time in Indo

Rich on daddy duty. You can tell a cool dad when mom is in the water and dad's on the beach with the kids.

From what I have discovered through this site is that there is no shortage of talented people in Leucadia. Everyone I know has something they do that blows me away.  

Allie is one of those people. I first met her and her husband Rich in the line up.  They have been surfing the same spot for years and I would watch them both surf as they had the place dialed. 

The thing that impressed me most about Allie was the fact that she was still surfing until two weeks before she gave birth to their son Atticus. As a dad myself I remember feeling protective of her and watching to make sure she was Ok on the inside after a wave.  Apparently Dugan was the same way and would let her have any wave she wanted.

Knowing people from the water you tend to know many important things about them, like, will they make the take off on the set waves, when sharing a peak do they tend to go right or left and do they get caught behind the outside section or do they always make it through to the inside.

Those things are important for sure. It's amazing that with all the people you surf with I bet you have the answers to those question for each and everyone of them.

Now that I have been doing this site I get the joy of finding out more about people I know from the water. For Allie it was only yesterday that I discovered the talent she has when she sent me a link to her site. I was really stoked to see how great her work is. 

I encourage you to look at her work. She has a lot of really great pieces. 

If you want to see her work in person she has a number for shows coming up as well. Check out her site as they are listed. Or if you dig her work, don't hesitate to give a ring.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Loose 27 LBs With The Donut Hole Diet

Do you want to loose 27 pounds?  
Do you want to fit into your bikini this summer?  
If so then we have the diet for you!

Developed by long time local and donut lover Mary Fleener, the Magic Fleener Donut Hole Diet is designed to shed weight, support the local economy and make friends along the way.  

Here's how it works: 

Step 1: Walk. ALOT. Walk from Ocean View to Leucadia Donut Shoppe.
Step 2: Buy half a dozen Donut Holes.
Step 3: Eat 2.
Step 4: Give the rest away to friends and strangers on your way home.

It's simple, it's easy and you feel great doing it.

Mary has lost over 27 pounds and set to loose another 5 more.  Her goal is to look like Miss Anne by June.

If you see Mary walking, don't forget to smile and say hi. If she hasn't already given them out there is a donut hole with your name on it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Musica Surfica

I received an email with a link to the trailer of this film. It was inspiring and the concept is very different then anything else I've ever seen. I'm a fan of Derrick Hynd as well with his finless experiments.  I haven't seen it yet but if someone has please comment. Enjoy.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Chilean Fins by Geree McDermott

Here are some great fins I just got. They came from Pichilemu, Chile.  Here is the email that came with  them. Geree is an American living in Chile. She is very talented. I checked out her work on her sites.   Enjoy.

HI there-
I just found your site last night and finished 3 fin designs today. (I tried to use your submit entries link but it didn't come through so I am attaching them here.)

I live in Pichilemu, Chile which is touted for being the Surf Capital of South America. Have you heard of it? I moved here from New Mexico, but before that I lived in Solana Beach for over 10 years. Love the beach!

I have skateboard designs on and when I saw your fin design project, I felt compelled to draw a few designs.

Hope they all make it on your site,

Beacons In Spring

Alia and I went to Beacons the other day and were mesmerized by the beauty. As we walked down through the wild flowers Alia looked at me and said "Beacons is my favorite beach, Dad." It made my heart melt knowing that I was leaving a lasting positive impression on my daughter through a simple act of taking her to the beach. A beach we are all so lucky to have access to. 

Those of you with kids that surf know that somewhere in the back of your mind you hope that your child or children will love to surf as much as you do. At that moment I felt a certain sense of satisfaction that no matter if Alia surfs or not, she will always love the beach. 
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