Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Recycled Surfer

Here is some really cool art from my friend and neighbor Cheryl Sorg. She is known in the art world for dismantling entire books word for word and then reassembling them into huge spiralled panels that read from the center out. Check out her site. What she does is amazing and beautiful what she does.

The pictures above are of two pieces she did for her husband, an avid Beacons surfer. The first one is called "Kinds of Blue". It's made of magazine paper, 1 1/2-inch squares cut from images of waves and water from surf magazines and stuck together with clear tape. This one is approx. four feet by nine feet!

The second one is Untitled. It too is out of magazine paper, the same 1 1/2-inch squares cut from images, this time of the ocean at sunset from surf magazines and clear tape. This one is 20" x 20".

When I started to do The Leucadia Project I asked her to share these. I've had the pleasure of seeing them in person and they are amazing. I love the fact that they are created from surf magazines.


  1. Kinds of Blue is really cool and blew me away. Very nice.

  2. Blue stuff blew me away. Very cool - and refreshing....


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