Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Bird

Here is a shot sent in by David. He actually sent it to me as a joke. But I liked it so much I had to post it. He was shooting one day at Cardiff and this bird came right at him. He swears he was looking to bomb him. He shot off a few and this is what he got.  It's really a cool picture. You can see Seaside in the background. If you click on it to enlarge it the detail is cool too. I've never seen a bird in flight shot like that. Look at the wings too, it's got that vee like a swallow tail.

1 comment:

  1. I was running on the beach and there was a good-sized hawk, stationary in the air above a cliff, just hoovering on an updraft at the top of the cliff in front of a house on Neptune, on a super-windy day. I had to stop and watch it a while, and was wishing I had a camera. A video camera even, it would have been some great footage.


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