Monday, March 9, 2009

What I Watched - The Present Premier

So Anne, Kirk and I went to see the premier of The Present.  I don't have any of my own pictures because frankly I got way too excited about the whole thing and left my camera at home. It happens to the best of us. If you want to see some cool shots check out the Sea Layer blog as Maggie is an amazing photographer. 

The event itself was really good. The vibe was amazing and some of my favorite parts were actually not in the movie at all.  I did love the film don't get me wrong, but when you get to sit back in your own home town theater and listen to the Mattson 2 with Ray Barbee live, (How amazing are these guys? Seriously. The drummer blew me away with his closed eye playing and Ray Barbee is just an amazing energy. Then there is how the Mattson 2 play off each other with a telepathic ability. I can't get enough. These guys are gifted.) and sit through it with some of your favorite surfers (Dan Malloy, Chris Del Moro, Rob. Devon Howard etc. etc. ) you start to get to realize that we live in a magical place.  

As for the film,  I can't wait to actually get my hands on a DVD. I realize that when I see films for the first time in a setting like that it is really hard to get the full vibe of it. The experience is so great on a lot of levels that you have a hard time focusing solely on the film, which deserves it's own undivided attention. It has to do with the excitement of the event and the energy around you that makes you walk out with everything a blur.  At least it did for me.  

The thing that I really like about surf films are that the good ones are more like albums then they are like pop culture movies. They get better with  time and the really good ones let you explore new depths as you watch them over and over again. I have films I have watched 20 times. Sprout was like that. When my daughter was born I didn't surf much and the film became a great way to reconnect with surfing.

The film had it's standout moments as well, even with the blur of the evening. I really liked the Tudor segment as it was entertaining and I liked hearing him speak of the guys that influenced him. The other stand out segment was the Rasta, Malloy, Del Moro segment at Sunset and Waimea on the Alaia boards.  It had the same vibe as the Lopez board segments in Sprout, which was a great segment.

The message of the movie was good and Campbell's narration is always a welcome. All and all a great time. Thank you, Thomas!

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