Monday, October 26, 2009

Way To Go David

David doesn't like to toot his own horn. In fact he's very low key about his shots. He mostly does it just to bring a smile to his friend's faces.  Me on the other hand, I'm stoked for him when he gets his shots into the mainstream so I don't mind telling everyone.  

So if you happen to see Surfline's feature on the west coast double swell you will see the shot above. During that swell he spent a few hours posted up on the bluff shooting his friends for fun. One of them just happen to get a great shot so he sent it off to Surfline not expecting much. To his surprise he got a call letting him know he made it in. Congrats David and Jon! Great shot and surfing.

1 comment:

  1. "It's fun to put SNAP, crackle, POP into your morning."


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