Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Little Black Wheels is a Go!

Artwork from 'Little Black Wheels' DVD.

Graphic Design by Neal Puchase Junior, Photos by Waters Clan.

I just heard from Mick that Little Black Wheels is in the can and off for production. The Wheels are rolling.

In May 2007, his family embarked on a Five month Road Trip around Australia with a two year old, a pregnant mother, a dog, a dad and a campervan. Life stripped back to its basics. Eat, surf and sleep. When there are no waves, you relax or explore, spend time with the family or move onto the next location.

No Boat Charters, Internet Swell predictions or expensive budgets where used in the making of this film, just a car, some boards, a plan, some luck and a whole lot of love for filmmaking.

I have to say that Mick is one of those rare guys that can set out on a trip like this and make it work. He is a true independent filmmaker doing everything himself. He's the guy that truly does this because he loves it and with a serious talent for shooting and editing beautiful films to boot.

Congrats Mick I know you have been working hard to finish this project.

Word has it he's planning a US tour so we can see it on the big screen. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

The film  features Dain Thomas, Mick Hughes, Johnny Abegg, Antoine Cardonnet, Rasta, Beau Young, Jimmy McMillan, Ry Craike, Mark Healey, Dave Macaulay and Family, Kristian Spencer and a host of other underground surfers.

Find out the stories of these surfers, their lives, why they travel and surf.


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