Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Hand Account of Earthquake in Chile

Artist and ex-pat Geree McDermott of Chile gives a detailed account of her experience with the 8.8 quake. Check out her blog for updates.


  1. Thanks so much for helping me get the news out. I really appreciate it. My blog has already received over 130 visitors so far, many from your site! Muy bien! Gracias!

  2. Here in Pichilemu, the damage is relatively minor but other villages and towns are in dire need of help. If you would like to find out how you can help, please go to One good way to help the Chilean economy is to come here for a vacation. Santiago is fine and Pichilemu is fine. There is nothing to fear and no reason not to come. Here in Pichilemu the banks are open, the stores are open with plenty of food, there are plenty of restaurants and hotels and cabanas. We've had no looting, no gun fire, and no civil disobedience. Some of the world's best surf can be found in Pichilemu's Principal Beach and at Punta de Lobos. Chile is a beautiful country and the people are sweet natured and kind hearted and affectionate. And, they are not offended if your Spanish is weak, like mine is. Tourists and surfers can help Chile while having a wonderful vacation and surfing fabulous surf!
    Thanks for your continued interest and for your support during Chile's time of need,


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