Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Idea... A Letter From Steve

Steve Klinski is a Grandview local and amazing ceramic artist. He sent out this letter today and I wanted to share. 

Dear friends and family,

As I was cold this week and wishing it was warmer, I realized how
blessed I am to have a roof over my head, food to eat, and warm
clothes to wear. In fact I have warm clothes that I haven't worn for
years that are in great shape still... jackets, sweaters and
sweatshirts. I've decided to go through everything and set aside
anything I don't use on a regular basis, and also try to find a
blanket or two that isn't in use. There are so many people around our
neighborhoods that don't have adequate clothing for warm weather; many
homeless that may not survive with out our help. With the economy the
way it is, there are more homeless than ever. And many who still have
a home, but can't afford to heat it. What could possibly be a better
Christmas gift than for us to find the need around us and try to help
as we can. Either find a local shelter, or contact an agency that will
give, not sell the clothes to people in need. Or check with a local
school to find if there are families in need. Or even give them to
people on the street; I'm sure we all recognize a few people that are
homeless around us.

Warm clothing and/ or blankets might be the best gift they ever
receive, and the true meaning of Christmas will actually come through.
Please do whatever you can, and pass this on if you feel like doing
so... maybe we an start a ripple effect that will make a big
difference in these tough times.

thank you, and very Merry Christmas to us all!!


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